Purchase History Control Overview

As of 7.6.0, this control has been visually redesigned for optimal performance for mobile users.

The Purchase History control displays the web user's purchase history and allows him/her to print a history of the orders. The web user can click the hyperlinked order number to open the Order Summary thank you page. The page that opens is dependent on the setup of the Order URL parameter in the control settings. For orders with a balance due, the web user can click Pay Now to open the Pay Open Balances Control.

See also:

·            For more information on the back office setup required in order for purchases to display properly on this control, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Purchase History Control.

·            For more information about the control settings, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Purchase History Control.

Customer Impact

After configuring the Purchase History control, your web user will see the control similar to the one displayed below.


The following filter options are available:

·           Keyword/Order #

·           Show Purchases

o           I am responsible for payment = logged-in user is bill-to customer on the order

o           I am or will be the recipient = logged-in user is the ship-to customer on the order

o           All of the above

As of 7.6.0, these options were renamed for clarity.

·           Product Type

o           Books and Merchandise = INV

o           Digital Content = DCD

o           Donation = FND

o           Meeting = MTG

o           Membership = MBR

o           Subscription = SUB

·           Only show orders with a balance


The web user can click the Expand All link to view the details about all of his/her order(s) or the down arrow to view individual order details, as shown below.


When the user clicks the Printer Friendly View link, a print preview of his/her purchase history displays. Here, the user can print his/her purchase history for his/her records. The user can choose to expand all or certain order lines.

Print Preview is unable to be viewed in Firefox. The document will go directly to the printer. This is a functionality of the browser and not the control.   

As of 7.6.0, web users have the ability to register other people, as well as themselves, for a meeting; this functionality is referred to as Register Someone Else. The web user that registered others for a meeting can see the group order from the Purchase History control, but they will not see the registrations in the My Meetings control unless they are the line ship-to customer.